Thursday, December 12, 2013

Last Minute Decision

My original plan was to go to Europe for New Years but after talking to different people about going to Europe they had informed me that it may be too cold. In addition I had found a really amazing tour company thats named Contiki vacations, that would take me to different places throughout Europe as well as Santorini and Mykonos.  I fell in love the minute I saw that 35 day tour option, but the tour does not start until April or May 2014.

After deciding to wait on Europe I sat and thought hmmm where can I go that would be warmer weather and a really awesome place for New Years.  My mother is a travel agent and after talking to some of her colleagues they recommended for me to go to Australia.  It just so happened that contiki vacations offers a tour called Reefs and Rainforests tour.  The tour is 20 days long including travel time to get to Australia.  I thought, "Wow this would be amazing to see kangeroos and koala bears.  See the men down under and travel through an amazing adventure.  The tour starts in Sydney on January 1, 2014 and goes till January 18, 2014.  I decided to fly in two days early so I would be in Sydney for New Years and be a part of the huge celebration they have every year.  My flight officially leaves for Sydney out of Los Angeles on December 28th, I fly out on Qantas Airlines which I heard is an excellent airline company.  The flight will be around 15 hours total non-stop.

1 comment:

  1. I believe of people would love to live life the way you are. Seeing the world, meeting all kinds of people and personality. I really enjoy reading about your life. It makes me view you in a totally different way.


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