when i heard how long the flight would be i was very nervous. From experience over the years i get very sick on airplanes. i had asked around to see who could give me feedback on what to take for a 15 hour flight. i was told to take either valium, trans derm scope, dramamine, melotonin, valarian root, or ambien. I decided to get a prescription for the transderm scope and valium. Typically valarian root helps settle the stomach amd melatonin helps you sleep well. those are the natural chemical free ways to do it. if those things dont concern you a pharmicist and psychiatrist gave the ok to mix the trans derm scope patch which goes behind the ear and lasts up to 3 days side effects are it makes you dry all over yourbody including your mouth. As well as the valium which only lasts for 8 hours and can cause drowsiness.
i want to make sure i am fully prepared for this flight going and coming back. i dont want there to be any issues once i get in the air, becaise i wont have options.
Alright so last night I decided to give the valium a test ride. Man I will tell ya, if you lie on the bed still for about 15 minutes, you start to feel relaxed. I proceeded to get up out of the bed where I felt myself starting to walk like a zombie. For some reason I got a craving to eat, once I ate that was it. The medicine went right out of my system. How lame is that!! I guess if you want the meds to last don't eat anything. But how was I suppose to know geez.
I bet the crew on those earlier flights you were on when you didnt feel well remembered Carla very well once the plan landed. jk :-)